
Senin, 30 April 2012

PES 2013 Features

The first PES 2013 trailer is online. Along with the video, we provide you, the PES community, with this extensive article, containing much information about what is new and improved in the 2013 edition of the Konami football game.
Many of the new features, extensions and improvements are based on your feedback, i.e. your critical and constructive comments as the PES community – on this official PES portal, on various PES fanpages on Facebook, and in long e-mails as well as in clearly verbalized YouTube video appeals. On top of that, we have got many answers on Twitter and statements of tens of thousands of participants that have shared their opinions.
All your feedback has been analyzed, processed and discussed with the PES 2013 developers in numerous meetings.
Control and animation of the goalkeeper, the sound ambience in the stadiums, the gameplay balance – these were, amongst other things, the points that have been talked about and criticized the most. Therefore, these elements will be improved and extended in PES 2013. Read more about it in the article below.
The new features and improvements in PES 2013 are based on the following three central components: PES FullControl, Player ID, and ProActive AI. We will explain what this exactly means in a moment.

1. PES FullControl (PES FC)
The term PES FullControl describes several new and improved features that give you even more control about the players and the ball in PES 2013.

  • Total Freedom of Control:
    Pro Evolution Soccer introduced the concept of freedom of movement, the new ‘PES FC’ in PES 2013 goes further with total freedom over ball control.
  • Dynamic First Touch:
    PES 2013 introduces subtle ways to receive the ball, from traps, gently lifting it past an attacker to run on to or a variety of other moves. First touch is everything and players can trap the ball using the R2 button, killing the speed of a well-hit pass and bringing it instantly under control, or using the momentum of the pass to turn a defender.
  • Full Manual Shooting and Full Manual Passing:
    PES 2013 offers fully manual passing and for the first time ever manual shooting, allowing users to determine the height and power of each. Long low passes can be sent skimming across the pitch, while shooting the user has total control over where the shot is placed. Skill and precision are needed to master these, but passes can be made into open areas, allowing lone strikers to thrive, while offering an unrivalled variety in ways to score.
Full Manual Shooting and Full Manual Passing: PES 2013 offers fully manual passing and for the first time ever manual shooting.
  • Dribbling:
    The speed with which a player moves with the ball has been slowed in line with real matches, but using R2 allows players to add various styles to their close control. Players can vary the speed of their dribbling, and cushion the ball as they move freely within a 360-degree circle. The new system allows players to knock a ball past a player and collect it, nutmeg them, or hold up play by shielding the ball as team mates find space and make runs.
  • Full Manual One-Two:
    Active one-two passes can be made, with the second player being moved in any direction), facilitating various tactical movements.
  • Response Defending:
    Countering the attacking options the new dribbling system offers, is a beautifully-balanced defence system. Players can use R2 and X to slow an attack, with a double-tap of the X button prompting a perfectly-timed challenge. Full 360-degree control means that players can check runs and steal the ball from a parallel position, while the individuality element will see world renowned defenders using aerial dominance of physicality to win the ball.
  • Goalkeepers:
    Even the game’s ‘keepers benefit from more control, while their distribution is more precise thanks to the addition of a power gauge when they throw the ball, creating opportunities for new, quicker counter attacks.

2. Player ID
Player ID focuses on the individual elements and movements that each player boasts:
  • Player Individuality:
    The very best players in PES 2013 will be instantly recognisable via incredible likeness and signature attributes, skills and tricks that bring them to life. The way they run, turn, trap and move the ball, shape to shoot and even celebrate will be noticeably different during play.
The way they run, turn, trap and move the ball, shape to shoot and even celebrate will be noticeably different during play.
  • Individuality to Goalkeepers:
    The individuality of movement has also been extended to between the posts. Goal keeping has been totally invigorated via new animations and play styles.
New varieties of saves and reactions have been added to ensure the game’s ‘keepers are in line with the efforts of real shot stoppers. This level of realism also extends to the game’s top-rated goal keepers, with their moves to close attacks down, fling themselves to tip a shot past the post, and in-goal acrobatics benefiting from all new animations and AI.

3. ProActive AI
ProActive AI unites the control and realism, with players that will respond and find space as befits those at the top of their game:

  • Balance of Play:
    The development team has worked closely with the PES fan base to eradicate any illogical elements to the way players move and run in PES 2013, with the ‘ProActive AI’ system enhancing the speed and balance resulting in a more realistic game experience.
  • Tactical Precision:
    The balance of play has also been enhanced in the play between defences and the front line, with greater organisation as the teams track back or pelt forward, setting a harder to beat defensive line, teams adjusting faster to ball gain or loss, allowing for quicker counters.
The development team has worked hard with real keepers to ensure the AI decision process has been vastly improved.
  • Enhanced Goalkeepers:
    Improvements to the goal keepers was voted the key advancement football fans wanted to see in PES 2013, and the team has worked hard with real keepers to ensure the AI decision process has been vastly improved. Keepers now espond with better reactions, clear their lines more effectively and push the ball savely out of play rather than into dangerous areas.

4. Better connectivity and atmosphere
PES 2013 will also boast better connectivity and atmosphere.

The popular myPES application will extend the connectivity and communication between Facebook-using PES fans, while the game’s audio effects are being tied closer to the on-field action to provide the kind of buzz seen at top-tier matches, with crowds growing in excitement as their team starts to exert pressure.
The game’s audio effects are being tied closer to the on-field action.

What can you expect in the coming weeks and months?
This article marks the beginning of the announcement of numerous new contents. Gradually, we will get into details until the release of the football game in autumn 2012, and tell you about the new and improved PES 2013 features.
Besides a new look, the official website will also contain new features to enable you as the PES community to meet, talk, and organize with people from all over the world.
If you have not done so, yet, you should also become a fan of the official Pro Evolution Soccer Facebook page. On, you will never miss any news, events and community happenings.
You can watch new videos on this website, on Facebook, or on the official PES 2013 channel ( Subscribe to the YouTube channel now if you do not want to miss any PES 2013 videos.

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Konami New Pes 2013

         Konami has unveiled the first glimpse of ‘PES 2013′, with new gameplay features and a Ronaldo-intensive video display. Check out the game in action – as well as new screenshots.
It’s that time of the year again: Konami is gearing up for the next season of soccer gaming with the annual Pro Evolution Soccer 2013. While last year’s edition of the game put in a solid performance, we were left questioning if Konami could really differentiate themselves from the massively-funded FIFA franchise, which has an absolute majority market share of the soccer gaming market.
While only time will tell, we’re excited to see what Konami can bring to plate for PES 2013.

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We’re excited to take Pro Evolution Soccer back to its roots, which is all about freedom and control.” said Tomoyuki Tsuboi, President of Konami Digital Entertainment. Pro Evo is introducing a three-pronged attack for new features in a clear move to gain ground where FIFA has been leading in terms of gameplay:
  • FullControl: Advanced physics, degrees of freedom and first touch impact),
  • PlayerID: Unique animations and attributes to famous -- and infamous -- players),
  • ProactiveAI: Enhanced balance of gameplay and the way players react).
While the gameplay additions certainly sound like they have the potential to greatly improve the experience, the graphics are certainly pretty snazzy as well:
The game will be released around Autumn this year, giving fans and developers alike plenty of time to warm up to the title. In the meantime, Konami has allowed a first glimpse at the upcoming project featuring a clever mix between live-action footage of Cristiano Ronaldo and his in-game counterpart.
European PES Team Leader Jon Murphy is certainly excited for this season’s edition of PES, citing that it was an exciting time to be part of the development team.Football is all about making magic happen with skill and precision, and PES 2013 truly encapsulates this. Fresh faces within the development team and some very exciting ideas will breathe new life into the PES series, and we look forward to showing what we can do in the coming months.
What do you think about Pro Evolution Soccer 2013? Is a title you’ll be looking to add to your collection?
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is set to launch on PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Wii, PS2, PSP and 3DS. Surprisingly, the struggling Vita has been left completely out the line-up for the time being.

Senin, 09 April 2012

New COD Set For 2012

Activision confirmed it will release a new Call of Duty title next year. This should come as no surprise to fans of the series, which has seen an annual release since 2005.
"As we focus on 2012, we have a strong product pipeline which features a minimum of two highly-anticipated new titles from Blizzard Entertainment, including Diablo III, and a new Call of Duty game from Activision Publishing," said CEO Bobby Kotick in a statement.
"As a result, we expect to deliver another year of profitable growth. I believe our unyielding commitment to excellence and our creative talent around the globe will continue to position Activision Blizzard as the leader in interactive entertainment."
Activision provided no other details about the game. It's likely the next Call of Duty will be developed by Treyarch, makers of last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops. The publisher also reported that since its release last year, Black Ops players have put in more than 2.8 billion hours of gameplay online.

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Selasa, 03 April 2012

Sony Vaio Seri Z terbaru

CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Sony mengumumkan peluncuran Sony VAIO Seri Z terbaru yang menghadirkan notebook pribadi dengan penggabungan gaya menawan dan teknologi terkini yang dibungkus dengan bahan serat karbon premium. Sony VAIO Seri Z terbaru hadir dengan bobot 1,165 Kg yang memiliki ketebalan hanya 16,65 mm berlayar full HD resolusi tinggi. Acara peluncuran Sony VAIO Seri Z terbaru mengambil lokasi di Ballroom Hotel Shangri-La, Jakarta (26/7).
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Satoru Arai selaku President Director, PT Sony Indonesia membuka acara dengan memperkenalkan Sony VAIO Seri Z terbaru serta keberadaan produk Sony VAIO yang bergerak secara agresif di pasar Indonesia. Hadirnya berbagai official shops di berbagai lokasi dan dukungan layanan produk Sony VAIO yang mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari penguna notebook di Tanah Air. Pada kesempatan ini juga Sony memperkenalkan Ridwan Kamil selaku Brand Endorser.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Leo Marathon selaku Product Sales Department, PT Sony Indonesia hadir memaparkan lebih detil mengenai Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z. Notebook ini hadir dengan berbagai kelebihan seperti bobot yang ringan, bentuknya yang tipis, layar sebesar 13.1 inci yang memberikan kenyamanan kepada penggunanya saat melakukan aktivitas dalam jangka waktu lama.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Sony VAIO Seri Z menampilkan performa dengan kecepatan proses booting Windows 7 selama 15 detik yang menggunakan prosesor Intel i7 generasi kedua dan hard drive SSD RAID mampu memberikan produktivitas yang tinggi. Ukuran yang tipis namun Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z tetap memberikan performa tinggi berkat dukungan 2 kipas pendingin, serta mainboard yang menggunakan customized memory.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Pada sisi luar dengan desain bersudut 8 yang edgy (Hexa-shell) dan berbahan serat karbon ultra yang kokoh dan sangat ringan, menjadikan notebook ini handal dan ringkas dalam penggunaan keseharian. Dengan daya tahan baterai yang mampu memberikan ketahanan hingga 6,5 jam, bahkan dengan dukungan Sheet Battery sebagai baterai tambahan yang dipasangkan tanpa harus melepaskan baterai internal, mampu memberikan ketahanan hingga 13 jam.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Sony VAIO Seri Z juga dilengkapi dengan Power Media Dock yang unik, sebuah docking station yang terhubung dengan VAIO melalui kabel optik. Power Media Dock dilengkapi dengan sandaran bersedain yang memiliki tata letak yang bebas. Dilengkapi transfer data I/O berkecepatan tinggi berdasarkan arsitektur bernama Light Peak, Power Media Dock dapat meningkatkan kinerja grafis yang menyediakan konektivitas serta drive slot-in Blu-ray Disc, bahkan mampu menangani hingga empat tampilan (termasuk layar notebook) melalui port HDMI dan/atau output VGA. Untuk tampilan yang memberikan akselerator grafis berkinerja tinggi, Sony VAIO Seri Z menghadirkan AMD Radeon HD 6650 dengan VRAM 1GB yang akan berjalan sempurna dengan gambar yang tajam dan halus, baik untuk penggunaan CAD 3D hingga program permainan mainstream.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Untuk kenyamanan dalam pengetikkan, Sony VAIO Seri Z menampilkan tombol ketik backlit yang akan otomatis beriluminasi ketika sensor mendeteksi kondisi ruangan lebih gelap. Dukungan Headphone mikrofon beam-forming, headphone digital noise-cancelling mampu memberikan kenyamanan pada sektor multimedia.
CHIP Online - Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z Terbaru
Notebook Sony VAIO Seri Z akan tersedia pada akhir Juli dengan harga premium Rp 26.999.000,- yang sudah dibundling dengan Power Media Dock. Untuk Sheet Battery dapat diberi terpisah dengan kisaran harga 2 juta rupiah.

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Prosesor Terbaru "INTEL" Tahun 2012

Intel adalah sebuah perusahaan yang berpusat di negeri Paman Sam, Amerika Serikat merupakan sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dibidang rancangan dan produksi mikroprosesor. Perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 1968 ini juga membuat chipset, komponen, kartu jaringan, serta produk-produk lainnya. Mungkin sobat sudah sering melihat logo Intel pada laptop maupun notebook sobat dengan seri prosesornya. Pada tahun 2011, Intel telah merilis beberapa prosesor terbaru mereka untuk generasi terbaru dari prosesor Core 2 Duo, Dual Core, Core i3, Core i5, dll. Dan kali ini, pada tahun 2012 nanti, Intel berencana merilis beberapa model prosesor yang menggunakan teknologi fabrikasi 22nm dari varian Ivy Bridge pada bulan April tahun 2012.

Beberapa model prosesor yang akan diluncurkan meliputi prosesor untuk komputer desktop atau PC,notebooklaptop, serta ultrabook. Kabar perilisan model prosesor terbaru ini datang dari bocoran informasi dari salah seorang sumber yang bekerja di perusahaan perakit personal computer (PC) asal Taiwan. Selain prosesor, Intel juga akan merilis sebuah cip untuk komputer desktop, seperti Z77, H77, Z75, dan B75. Untuk cip seri Q77 dan Q75, kabarnya Intel baru akan merilisnya pada bulan Mei tahun depan. Sedangkan cip yang dkhususkan untuk notebook yang kabarnya akan dirilis pada bulan April tahun depan yaitu HM77, UM77, HM76, HM75, serta QS77 dan QM77 yang rencananya akan diluncurkan pada bulan Mei.
